Full Body Workout At Home

This 30 minute workout that will get the blood flow pumping, that will burn calories, tone and shape?  If so, then this workout is for you!

All you need is a chair or a step / stairs that you will most likely have in your house.  This full body workout at home is comprised of a warm up followed by 4 rounds of 5 moves with a break in between each and then a cool down.

Remember to listen to your body when you train.  It is important to exercise safely to avoid injury so that you can continue to exercise on a regular basis. Try to complete each round but if you need to take a break then do it.  Give yourself a second and then get stuck back in. ?

Full Body Workout At Home – The Moves

Here are the main moves for the workout.  You will have warm up and cool down moves which I have not included here.  If you find that some of the main exercises a little tricky then follow the modifications.  It is perfectly okay to modify the moves and you can still get a great workout this way.

#1. Toe Tap

Place a chair in front of you or you can use a wall or a bench if you have one.  Lift one leg up and tap the chair and then swap the feet around.  Try to move quite quickly to get the heart rate up and keep your core tight for support.  If you find that this move is a little bit intense then pick one foot up at a time and go slow.

For the modification use a smaller chair / lower stair or boy and go slow but keep moving.

#2. Bulgarian Split Squat

Start by getting your supporting leg as far out as possible so that your knee is over your ankle.  Lift the back leg and put it on the chair with your toes up to help you balance.  Lunge down as far as you can and then return to the starting position.

To modify leave out the chair and perform a normal lunge on the floor and use the chair for support if needed.

#3. Squat Jump

Start in a squat postition with your feet hip width apart and your knees over your ankles.  Start low with your bum out of the back and jump to the sky whilst reaching up.  Land back down in a squat position and then repeat the move.

To modify take out the jump and perform normal squats.

#4. Mountain Climber

Start in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, your core tight and bum down.  Bring one knee underneath you and up to your chest then place it back in starting position and then repeat on the other side.

To modify the move, use the chair to elevate yourself.  Tap the toe up toward the chair and then repeat on the other side.

#5. Elbow Plank

Start in plank position with your shoulders over your elbows core tight and bum down.  Push back with your heels, squeeze your bum under and hold the plank for as long as possible.

To modify you can do the plank on your knees or elevate yourself by using a chair.

#6. In & Out Sumo Squat

Start low with your feet wider than your hips and your knees in line with your feet. Jump in and out whilst keeping your bum down and out to the back.

To modify take out the jump and perform a normal sumo squat.  Make sure you keep your knees out and in line with your feet.

#7. Burpee

Stand tall with your core tight.  Place your hands on the floor and jump your feet back into a plank posistion.  Then bring both knees back into your chest and jump up into standing and repeat.  Try to keep your bum down when you jump back to activate your core.

To modify take the jump out and step one foot back at a time and then back in to standing.  Try to keep moving if you modify for the time specified.

#8. Bodyweight Step Up

Stand in front of a chair and then place one foot up on it and bring the other leg up after.  Step back down to the floor with the leg that you started with and repeat until the timer is up.  Then repeat on the other side.

To modify use a lower chair / step or a small box.

#9. Push Up

Start in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, your bum down, core tight and back flat. Keep your eyes forward and then bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor.  Push yourself up to starting position and repeat.

To modify, perform the push up on your knees, roll the mat over or put a towel under you knees if this is uncomfortable.

#10. Frog Jump

Start with your feet about hip width apart with your bum down.  Jump forwards like a frog whilst staying low and touch the floor with each jump.  Keep your knees over your ankles and your chest up.

To modify take out the jump and perform a normal squat.  Keep your feet hip width apart, knees over your ankles and chest up.

#11. Alternating Jump Lunge

Start in a lunge position with your knee over your ankle and your chest up.  Jump up and swap your feet around landing in a lunge posistion.  Use your opposite arm for balance and keep your core tight.

To modify perform normal alternating forward lunges.  Keep your knee over your ankle when you lunge, chest up and core tight.

#12. Plank Shoulder Tap

Start in a high plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, bum down, core tight and back flat.  Take one hand and tap your shoulder and then swap and do the other side.  Push back with your heels and squeeze your bum under to protect your spine and engage the core.

To modify perform the exercise on your knees.  Roll the mat up underneath them if it is a little bit uncomfortable.

#13. Pike Press

Start in a downward facing dog position with your bum up in the air.  With your arms and legs straight lower your upper half to the floor whilst bending your arms (like a push up). Try to get your head as close to the floor as possible and keep your core tight.

To modify perform the exercise on your knees and try to put your bum up into the sky the best you can.

#14. Good Morning Variation – No Weights

Stand up tall with your core tight and legs straight.  Lower your top half to the floor whilst keeping your chest up.  (I like to think there is someone trying to throw popcorn down my top which helps to keep the back flat).  Go as low as you can without jeopardising your form and then stand back up.  Squeeze the core the entire time.

To modify bend your knees a little and don’t go so low.

#15. Bodyweight Calf Raises

Start in standing position with your feet about hip width apart.  Push up onto your toes the entire way and then lower yourself back down the ground.  Try to activate each individual toe as you push up, squeeze your bum and engage your core.

To modify use a chair for support.

#16. Body Saw

Start in plank position with your shoulders over your elbows, bum down and core tight. Push back and forth with your toes so that your shoulders rock over the top of your elbows.

To modify perform the exercise on your knees or elevate yourself on a chair or box.

#17. Plank Jack

Start in plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, bum down, core tight and back flat.  Jump both legs out to the side and then back in again.

To modify take one leg out at a time and back in to the centre.

18. Cross Body Mountain Climber

Start in plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, bum down, core tight and back flat.  Take one knee under and across your body towards your elbow, squeeze your abs as you perform the movement.  Then place your leg back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

To modify elevate yourself by using a chair or wall.

#19. Side Plank

Start in side plank position with one elbow underneath your shoulder.  Stack your feet (or you can place them seperate if you wish) and then push up onto your side.  You can put the other arm on your hip or directly up into the air so that it is inline with the other arm that is holding the weight.  Push the hips all the way up to the sky whilst keeping your core tight.

To modify tuck the closest leg to the floor under or both and push yourself up.  You can use the other hand for support if need be.

#20. Hip Twist Twist

Start in plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, bum down, core tight and back flat.  Drop one hip down to the floor and then repeat on the other side.

To modify elevate yourself by using a chair and twist each hip down to the side.

Workout With Me – Full Body Workout At Home


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About the Author

Hello, I'm Jenn and I'm so excited to share my love for fitness, nutrition, and wellness with you! One of my biggest goals is to inspire others to lead their healthiest lives. By sharing my own passion and experience, I hope to help you find joy and fulfilment in your own fitness journey.


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