30 Minute Cardio Blast Workout

Looking for a 30 minute cardio blast workout that is going to burn calories and tone?

Alright people, here’s a good way for you to be getting exercise whilst we are stuck at home.  You can do this without equipment and will get you off the couch, burn calories and make you feel great!

Try to stick with each move for the designated amount of time. However, if you need to take a break then do so and get stuck back in when you can.

Don’t forget to listen to your body when you train.  It is important to exercise safely to avoid injury so that you can continue to exercise on a regular basis.

30 Minute Cardio Blast Workout

Here are the main moves for the warm up and workout.  If you find that some of the main exercises a little tricky then follow the modifications and you will need a chair for this.  It is perfectly okay to modify the moves and you can still get a great workout this way.

The Warm Up

#1. Running In Place

Stand up tall with your core tight and your shoulders back and run on the spot by lifting your knees up to your chest.  Use your arms and get stick in.

To modify, take your hands so that they are level with your knees and march it out on the spot by removing the run.

#2. In & Out Jump Jack

Stand up tall with your core tight and your shoulders back and then jump your legs out to the side whilst taking your arms above your head then jump them back in again.  Then repeat the legs but the next time take your arms out in front.  Repeat both moves until the timer is done.

To modify, remove the jump and step the legs in and out to the side whilst taking your arms overhead and in front.

#3. Skater

You want to start low with a bend in one knee and then jump from one side of the mat to the other.  When you land on the other leg, stick the foot out towards the back and try not to touch the floor whilst keeping your core tight.

To modify move from one side of the mat to the other on one leg.  When you land on the supporting leg put the leg out towards the back and put the foot on the floor for balance.  Then repeat on the other side until the timer is done.

#4. Alternating Side Lunge With Arms

Start in a centre position with your feet together and then lunge across to one side.  Bend the knee on the supporting leg, stick the bum out the back and feel the stretch in the inner thigh.  Push yourself back up and take your arms overhead then lunge across to the other side and place your hands on your thigh.  Keep your chest up and your core tight.

To modify use your hands for support on the supporting thigh and remove the overhead arms.  Stay focused on keeping the chest up, bum out the back and the opposite leg straight.

#5. High Knee Run

Stand up tall with your shoulders back and hands just above waist height.  Bring each knee up to each knee whilst running on the spot and touch your hands with each rep.  Keep your core nice and tight the entire time.

To modify, take out the run and lift each leg up to your hands focusing on squeezing the core.

#6. Butt Kick

Stand up tall with your shoulders back and your core tight. Kick one heel at a time up towards your bum whilst keeping your knees together.

To modify, remove the jump and lift one leg up at a time to kick the bum.  Put your hands behind you for guidance.

The Workout

#1. Lunge & Jump Jack

Start at the top end of the mat then lunge forward taking your arms up into the sky.  Make sure the knee is over the ankle and the chest is up.   Push back into starting position and then perform a jump jack and then repeat the move on the other leg.

To modify place your hands on your thigh for support when you lunge forwards.  Then individually tap each foot out to the side instead of doing the jumping jack.

#2. Fast Feet Punches

Run on the spot as fast as you can for 5 seconds and then punch the air in front of you for 10 counts.  Whilst performing the punches keep the elbows soft and punch as hard as you can and keep the arms at shoulder height.

To modify, walk it out for 5 counts whilst picking the knees up as high as you can and then perform the punches.

#3. Side Lunge With Knee Raise

Start in a centre position on the mat and then lunge out to the side so that your knee is over your ankle and your chest is up.  Push yourself back up to centre from the supporting leg.  Then lift that knee up and across your body and touch your elbow to it.  Squeeze your core the entire time.

To modify, lunge to the side and place your hands on your knees for support.  Then lift your knee up towards your elbow and take it as far as you can.

#4. Alternating Diagonal Lunge

Start with your feet together in the middle of the mat and pick a leg to start on.  Lunge forwards so that your knee is over your ankle, your chest is up and your shoulders are back.

Push back into starting position and then repeat the lunge again at a 45 degree angle and then perform an alternating side lunge.  Complete a circuit on one side and then do the other.

To modify the move place your hand on your knee for support when you go into the lunge.

#5. Heisman

Stand in a centre position and then run quickly to the side and then lift the knee up whilst keeping your core engaged.  Then move across to the other side and lift the knee on that side too.  Try to move nice and quickly and use your arms.

To modify, walk it out quickly and lift the knee whilst squeezing your core on each side.

#6. Squat With Front Kick

Squat down low with your feet hip width apart, your knees over your ankles and your bum back.  Then stand up tall and kick one leg up in front of you to that it is as straight as you can get it.  Put the leg back down on the floor perform another squat and then kick the other leg up and then repeat.  Keep your core nice and tight and your chest up.

To modify the move squat down but use your hands for support on your thighs.  When you kick the leg up keep the leg straight but don’t take the leg as high.

#7. Alternating Side Kick

Start in a centre position with your legs together and then lean over to one side as far as you can go and kick the leg up. Keep your hands in front of you and your core tight.  Drop the leg back down to the mat and then repeat on the other side.

To modify, lean over to the side but not as much as kick the leg up but not as high.

#8. In & Out Squat Jumps

Start down low in a squat position with your knees over your ankles, your bum out of the back and your chest up. Jump your legs into centre whilst staying low and then back out to starting position.  Jump forwards 2 times and then jump into centre and back out again then jump back 2 times and repeat.

To modify, take the jumps out.  Just step in and step out and forwards and back.  Keep the bum down the entire time and keep the chest up.

#9. Mountain Climber In & Out

Start in a plank position on the floor with your shoulders over your wrists, bum down and core tight.  Bring your knee up into your chest and then place it back down on the floor and then repeat on the other side, do 12 reps in total.  Then jump the legs out the side like a jump jack 6 times.   Repeat both sets of moves until the timer is done.

To modify use a chair to elevate yourself and repeat the same process.  6 (12 reps) mountain climbers and 6 jump jack legs out to the side.

#10. Walking Push Up

Start in a push up position on the floor with your hands wider than your shoulders.  Push up and then walk one arm and leg out to the side and push up again.  Walk yourself out in one direction for 2 reps and then back in the other direction for another 2 reps.

To modify perform the exercise on your knees and roll your mat over if you need support to protect them.

#11. Burpee Jacks

Start in a standing position and then jump yourself back into a plank position and jump your legs out to the side then back in (like a jump jack).  Jump back up to standing and then repeat the moves.  Keep your core nice and tight and your bum down.

To modify, step yourself back into a plank position one foot at a time and then step the feet out one at a time to the side and step back up.

#12. Cross Box Jumps

Stand up tall with your shoulders back, feet together and hands on your waist.  Jump forward and then back to the centre then the the left, to the centre, back and to the centre and then to the right and to the centre as if you are going around the clock.  Keep your core tight and try to move as quickly as you can.

To modify remove the jump and step forwards and then back to the centre and around the clock as quickly as you can.

#13. Back Lunge With Knee Raise

Start with your leg all the way back behind you in a lunge position and a 90 degree bend in the supporting leg.  Bring the lunge leg up to your chest whilst squeezing your core and keeping your balance and then repeat until the timer is done and then perform the exercise on the other side.

To modify start in a lunge position but not as low down to the ground and use your hand for support when you lift your leg off the ground.

#14. Burpee, Mountain, Cross 6

Stand up tall then jump back into a plank position so that your shoulders are over your wrists and your core is tight.  Mountain climb for 6 (12) reps by bringing your knee up to your chest and then put it back into plank position on each side.  After you have performed these reps then cross the knee under the body as if you are trying to touch your elbow, then place it back down on the ground on each side for 6 (12 reps).  To finish jump up into a standing position and then repeat the process.

For the modification use a chair to elevate yourself.

#15. Squat, Punch, Burpee

Stand with your feet hip width apart and squat down so that your bum is out the back and your knees are over your ankles for 1 rep.  Come back up and punch the air in front of you for 1 (2) reps, then place your hands on the floor and jump back into a plank position.  Keep your bum down and your core tight, then jump back up to standing and repeat the process.

To modify, place your hands on your knees when you squat for support.  Come back up, punch the air and then place your hands on the floor and step your feet back into a plank position and then step them back in again.

#16. Standing Scissors

Stand up tall with your shoulders back and your core tight.  Jump the feet forwards and back whilst staying light on your feet.  Swing your opposite arms to legs to increase momentum and balance.

To modify, take the jump out and step the feet forwards and backwards with alternating arms and core tight.

#17. Mountain, Cross, Sprint 6

Start in plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, bum down and your core tight. Bring each knee up to your chest and place it back down in plank position for 6 (12) reps for the mountain climber.  Then perform the cross mountain climber by taking the knee under the body and across to the opposite elbow on both sides for 6 (12 reps).  Jump up and run on the spot as fast as you can for 5 seconds and then jump back down and repeat the process.

To modify, use a chair to elevate yourself.

#18. Push Up Side Arm Balance

Start in a push up position with you wrists slightly outside of your shoulders.  Push up and then rotate into a side plank.  Reach the side plank arm up into the sky so that it is level with your shoulder.   Drop back down to the floor, do the push up and then rotate to the other side.  Repeat the process until the timer is done.

To modify, perform the push up on your knees and then rotate into a side plank by folding the bottom leg underneath you.  You can take the free arm up towards the sky or place it on your hip.  Fold the mat over if you need more support for your knees.

Workout With Me – 30 Minute Cardio Blast Workout

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About the Author

Hello, I'm Jenn and I'm so excited to share my love for fitness, nutrition, and wellness with you! One of my biggest goals is to inspire others to lead their healthiest lives. By sharing my own passion and experience, I hope to help you find joy and fulfilment in your own fitness journey.


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